729,380 words
by: kpopismydrug
(AU- Wolves, Slow Burn, Fluff, Homophobic Language, Death, Violence, Blood, Strangers to Lovers, Angst, Minor Character Death, Family Feels, Series πŸ”ž)
I don't know what to say but this whole series was just impeccable. The storyline, world building, characters development. I can't get enough of it that I've read it for whole 3 days. Taekook embracing their roots and respecting each other's origins at the same time. Really there's no enough words on how to describe this marvelous series. Every installment was different, different POVs, different pairings and stories within the whole Lupus world. You can really feel the characters emotions and see their growth all through out the series. I love it so much and it holds a special place in my heart.

164,872 words
by: Melarose
(College/University Setting, Witches and Familiars, Magic, Fluff, Heavy Angst, Mentions of Blood, Violence, Slow Burn, Temporary Character Death, Minor Character Death, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse πŸ”ž)
I AM FLOORED. This was such an art, a masterpiece. It was mindblowing. The world building was so good and well crafted. I love everything about it, from the characters, their struggles and their relationship development. I shed so many tears while reading this. It was breathtakingly beautiful!! Definitely one of my fave fics ever.
β€œWe’ve never had the chance to choose"

100,101 words
by: JKDoYouLoveMe
(AU-Demons, College/University Setting, Supernatural Elements, Incubus, Crack, Sex Education, Low Self-Esteem, Strangers to Lovers πŸ”ž)
This was such an interesting story. Honestly I was so amazed by it and it was so well written. I love how the story progressed, the turning points and sequencing of the story. One of the best incubus Taekook fic I've ever read.

25,812 words
by: thefunboys
(A/B/O Dynamics, College/University Setting, Strangers to Lovers, Mating/Heat in Cycles, Scent Marking πŸ”ž)
This was so so sweet and romantic. I love how the author addressed insecurities and a relationship considered unconventional in their universe. I was just so immersed in it. I wonder if the author plans to continue this into a series.

140,553 words
by: Bluevoyance
(AU-Sentinels and Guides, Dystopian, Hate to Love, Slow Burn, Mutual Pining, Social Divide, Fighting and violence, Implied/Referenced Torture, Angst with a Happy Ending πŸ”ž)
AHHH..this was one of my fave In Bloom fics this season. We barely had Sentinel/Guide fic and this will definitely be one of my faves. The progression of enemies to lovers was so seamless and the whole concept was just amazing. Taekook getting married?? Please!!!
"Fate sometimes made mistakes, but Taehyung knows that he and Jeongguk were definitely not one of them. They were always meant to be."

62,543 words
by: inakkum
(Tarzan Inspired, AU-Werewolves,
Scientist, Sexual Tension, Minor Violence, Non-Graphic Violence, Falling In Love, Light Angst πŸ”ž)
It was simply amazing. I love it so much. I was fully immersed into it. This got me crying so hard when Tae was leaving. Then the pining and sexual tension omg. The description of the wolves and the pack was amazing.

18,568 words
by: Jambooty
(A/B/O Dynamics, Enemies to Lovers, Fluff, Scenting, Love Bites, Drunken Flirting πŸ”ž)
This was so cute! Everything about it from the way it was written to Guk's character development is chef kiss. And the little game of hickeys was definitely fun.

16,567 words
by: hellyeahyoongi
(AU-Demons, Demon/Human Relationship, College/University Setting, Mutual Pining, Mention of cheating, Mention of non graphic violence)
Ahh we got mischievous demon Kookie!! This was so funny and cute! It kept me entertained from start to finish.

90,882 words
by: koobear
(A/B/O Dynamics, AU-Shapeshifters, Mermaids, Slow Burn, Hate to Love, Pining, Angst, Fluff, Minor Character Death, Dom/Sub Undertones, Scent Marking, Mating, Mating Bites, Mpreg πŸ”ž)
Ahhh one of my fave A/B/O fics ever. It was truly beautiful. The story flows naturally. It felt like I was with Tae all throughout his wonderful journey. It has good angst, but lots of fluff and intense moments between Taekook. And then Taekook having pups and Tannie's appearance was a cherry on top.

21,482 words
by: teatimetaemint
(A/B/O Dynamics, College/University Setting, Friends to Lovers, Slow Burn, Fluff, Light Angst, Cuddling, Heats) of the classic Taekook A/B/O fics out there. I'm so soft for Taekook taking care of each other. From best friends to lovers, I'm such a sap for them. Ghost mating was such a creative concept.
β€œI’m pretty sure I’ve been in love with you for years.”

5,833 words
by: KookiesBurnerPhone
(A/B/O Dynamics, College/University Setting, Fluff, Crack, Mpreg, Post Mpreg, Implied Mpreg, Mating Cycles/In Heat, First Time πŸ”ž)
Aww it was so cute and funny! The exploration into presenting as either an alpha or omega was so well written. Such a unique story.

100536 words
by: taekoovantae
(Witches, Vampires, Fairy, Incubus, Slow Burn, Blood, Violence, Blood Drinking, Soft Bat Cuddles πŸ”ž)
OMG we got a Bat Jungkook! This was such an amazing read! Everything was so magical. The world building was so good. I admire Tae's character so much. He endured all those hardships. From being exiled from his own coven at the young age to seizing his magic huhu.

18,155 words
by: Kavbj
(Witches, College/University Setting, Humor, Fluff, Romance πŸ”ž)
This was so soft, cute and sweet. Jungkook was kinda cursed to live forever and he found Tae, a witch that could help him to break it. It was a long, funny and a lot of toad puking journey. Which soon developed to them sharing a bed and sleeping together. Hihi.. Ahhh they'll be the death of me...
β€œI’ll spend forever with you,” Taehyung blurts suddenly. β€œOr at least, I’ll spend forever trying to help you end your forever.”

72,230 words
by: keneke
(A/B/O, Fluff and Angst, Post-Break Upish, Mamma Mia inspired, Misunderstandings, Mating Cycles/In Heat, Mating Bites πŸ”ž)
Ahh I cried a lot of times.. this was so beautifully written.. The plot is somewhat based off Mamma Mia but it keeps its own originality through the A/B/O crossover. They're so raw with emotions that you can't help but want to blast ABBA's songs whilst reading it. Taekook were hella stupidly in love!! AHHHHH!

Please feel free to contact me if you have any recommendations or questions.

( Made with Carrd )